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How to Draw a Hunter From Halo Step by Step TUTORIAL

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Have you ever gotten surrounded or intimidated by the Covenant Hunters in Halo with not a rocket to spare? Well, here's a simple way to kill them which but takes a little do.

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  1. one

    Commencement of all, make sure y'all don't get backed up into a corner. Run to the side and endeavor to get backside the Hunter. If you go upwards close to it (be careful!) and run around it fast, you should be able to get to its back.

  2. 2

    If you manage to do that, one pistol shot at the orangish (uncovered) part of the Hunter will kill it (on whatsoever difficulty). Try to keep your altitude and fourth dimension information technology for when they are not shooting, as their fuel rod cannons shake your screen.


  3. three

    If that seems a bit hard, attempt either sticking them with a grenade and making sure they don't just block it, or throwing a grenade to the side and shooting them while they look at it. This a good tactic to buy you some fourth dimension, not to kill them.

  4. 4

    If yous recall you're godly (which you might be), permit them charge, then sidestep and melee them in the dorsum, immediately get out of their way and sidestep again. If you tin do this, well... y'all're practiced. If you fail, it is your fault. Yous can do this in multiplayer by letting people charge you so sidestep while turning around and meleeing them. If they hit yous, you did it wrong. Endeavour over again. It'southward useful in multiplayer as well.

  5. v

    If you want to practise fighting in shut quarters with them without relying on melee, try running up to them and immediately backing off. When y'all come up shut plenty, they will try to melee (Again, don't become striking!). At this moment, they will lift an arm, exposing the abdomen, which is uncovered like the back. Burn down the pistol every bit many times equally possible into the uncovered region to ensure that enough bullets actually strike information technology.

  6. 6

    Or, run at them, and at the terminal 2nd jump upwards. they volition hit you with their shield, merely yous won't die. Instead you'll fly into the air, while upwards at that place throw a plasma grenade ( the viscous ones) onto the orange role of its torso.

  7. vii

    As hunters come up in pairs, switch to a zoom weapon (Pistol/Sniper Burglarize) And get rid of ane like that. Then, Do Non MOVE. The hunter most never hits you, unless y'all move. This is considering the kickback of his weapon severely amercement his accuracy. Then finish him off by throwing a grenade behind him, and let him walk away from information technology. Then shoot him in the dorsum

  8. 8

    Instead of that, you tin can also kill the first, then charge for the second 1. When he charges back at y'all, walk back and wait for his tum to be unprotected. And then, empty your assault rifle. Like crazy.

  9. 9

    Alternate method of killing hunters: circle effectually them while meleeing them. This causes them to spin around following you lot, but not actually meleeing you lot as you need to be continuing nonetheless for them to melee you. Notation: Not tested on 2 Hunters. MAY be constructive on them, though. -300spartans

  10. 10

    In order to sneak up to a Hunter, crouch and ever so gently button the joystick toward the hunter and practice it in bursts, with this y'all tin can easily a adhere a Plasma Grenade on their back. After that, merely run and come back for seconds.


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    Are covenant vehicles more sophisticated than UNSC vehicles in Halo?



    Customs Answer

    In my opinion, it depends on what 2 vehicles you are comparing. For example, if you're comparing a Warthog to a Ghost (Covenant), I adopt the Ghost. With a Scorpion and a Covenant tank, however, I adopt the Scorpion (UNSC). Only and then again, it's all subject to your stance.

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  • in halo ane a single shot from the pistol to an orange spot on the dorsum brought them downward easily merely not anymore they are much more powerful now.

  • It's non always necessary to hit them from the back. At that place is also an orange spot on their stomach. When they charge and try to melee yous, the stomach will be exposed, and you can shoot them in that spot.

  • Grenades do NOT work at all; Hunters are the anti grenade whereas a group of jackals might be said to exist the reason for frags and elites are the reason for... covenant grenades?

  • Usually, you lot'd want to do this in a wide, open space so yous don't get into a tight spot.

  • Hunters are hard- no prevarication. Either hit with a rocket, or practise what we learned how to do and play tag with them. You tin remain literally untouched while two Hunters beat each other to slag around you lot. Sidestep and know where and how close both are, and but contrivance around their backhands. If they dorsum up and prepare to burn, approach them and they will have some other misguided swing.

  • Accept them on ane at a time, and finish them off fast. Don't let them swarm you.

  • It's groovy if you tin can become an overshield. This ways you're better protected from the Hunter's deadly melee charges.

  • If yous use a sniper and shoot the hunter in the back, it will die in one shot in halo 1 and 2 but I'm not sure nearly Halo 3.

  • a adept way to kill a hunter is to throw any grenade backside him and then shoot his soft spot.

  • Yous can too run him over with a vehicle.

  • Get close to them. Hunter melee attacks are like shooting fish in a barrel to avoid. Sidestep the attacking Hunter and fire into its back, a pistol is best for this but sniper and rifles work as well.

  • Exist Patient... If yous are using a sniper, take your time and brand sure your shots count.

  • If you can, apply a rocket launcher or sniper rifle (from a far identify) on the uncovered parts of the Hunter. If the Hunter is facing yous at range apply a sniper to striking the neck.

  • Annotation from 300spartans: as long as the enemy is Non on a vehicle and/or can't wing (sentinels can), you can run them over with Any vehicle, not including the grunts (mission) past Ghost and MAYBE banshees. Likewise, the Hunters CANNOT exist killed from getting melee-d from behind (dissimilar normal enemies(NOT counting sentinels)) (while they aren't seeing you, probably as they are so large.

Cheers for submitting a tip for review!


  • DO Non use a needler on a Hunter, fifty-fifty from the back. They take time to impale at close ranges.

  • Any good Halo Actor volition tell you lot that Covenant weapons are virtually useless due to them overheating, which wastes time and gives the Hunter time to Impale you. Likewise, they run out of battery. Use UNSC Weapons if possible.

  • Make sure you try this on the Easy setting first.

  • Exercise Not just stand in 1 identify. Jump around like a maniac if you have to.


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How to Draw a Hunter From Halo Step by Step TUTORIAL

Posted by: clarencemathereard.blogspot.com

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